Thursday, February 5, 2015

Edible Green Tea

This year so far has brought a wonderful shift to my thought processes and how I handle things.  I've realized that I actually have a choice in how things happen in my life.  Maybe I can't control everything, (whether my kids scrape their knee while playing, or the weather) but I have the awesome choice of how I will handle these things (if I will freak out or just go with the flow and handle problems as they arise).
I've had the please of reading some wonderful books.  The Martian by Andy Weir was a fabulous story.  And by "fabulous" I mean probably one of the best books I've ever read.  Really.  If you have a chance to read this book do yourself a favor and read it.  It reads like a movie and will actually be a movie the end of this year.  I'll admit I was a little sad when I found that out because it was just such a good read.  Anyways, the story inspired me.  It helped keep me in that "choosing" place.  I found myself asking WWMWD?  What Would Mark Watney Do?  An astronaut who is left alone on Mars has decided he's going to survive as long as he can, in hopes he can someday be rescued.  It's brilliant, and nerdy, and funny, and thrilling... I can't recommend it enough and I'm actually planning to buy the book.  I'm ready to read it again.  If you know me, you know what a big deal that is.  I'm not a big reader usually.
The other book I read what called Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson and Kenneth Blanchard.  It's not nearly the brilliant work of are that the Martian is, but it helps me to laugh at myself when changes in plan happen.  All I have to do is say "Who moved my cheese" and I realize how silly getting bent out of shape is, and work more towards going with the flow.  It's a quick read (it took me a few days but my daughter read it in an hour) and a simple little message about changes in the world and our options when handling it.

With the new mind shift (or in conjunction with) I've been working hard taking care of myself physically.  Resting when I need rest, but being more active in other ways.  Exercising daily and drinking lots of yummy green tea.  I'm in love with my genmaicha tea, but sadly I'm getting low on that, so I'm rationing it.  I've invested in some generic organic green tea, which is ok but quite bitter and we just started drinking Sei Mea's Edible Green Tea.  It's something different and my husband and I have been enjoying it.  I plan to get some organic matcha soon and try that out, see how it compares to the stuff I have and see where we want to go from there, but it's been enjoyable and I do love my little tea ceremonies.  (As a note, my little ceremony is just a nice ritual I have in the morning, it isn't "THE tea ceremony" but just something I enjoy doing and knowing how to make a good cuppa for my husband and I.)

In March it will be time for our buying club to order from Frontier Herb and I've started drooling over the catalog at all the beautiful bulk teas and trying to figure out how many we can (reasonable) afford.  But for now I will stick with what I've got and will continue to try and stay away from the coffee sitting in the cupboard.  I can occasionally hear it beckoning to me, and I'll give in, but I enjoy a good cuppa so much more these days.  Maybe just because I'm better at making tea than coffee.

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