Saturday, May 10, 2014

Late Night Inspiration

I sat thinking the other night, as I lay on the terribly uncomfortable futon mattresses (yes there are two) on my livingroom floor trying to sleep.  This had been determined as the best sleeping location for me since my six year old was in the other room coughing up a lung and I needed to be close to him.  My 4 year old was sleeping on the futons next to me, sick as well but not as bad as his brother.  My husband and daughter slept, as peacefully as they could, in their own beds.  And I lay awake.  Well, thoughtful anyways.  Trying to force myself to sleep but also trying to find a comfortable position on this bed with a cracked rib.

So I lay there thinking, about all kinds of things in my life, but then suddenly this is what I started thinking about.  I thought about the idea of this blog.  I felt sure that it would be possible to write about what was happening in my life without going to crazy, as I have done before.  Once a week sounded nice.  The title of the blog was appealing too.  Once a week I'll sit down and give myself an opportunity to recap my week while enjoying a cup of tea, some therapeutic blogging and (just maybe) there will be something of value to someone else out there in the world.  After all, I know I'm not the only sustainable living, homeschooling mom, farmers wife, birth doula in the world.  Maybe one of those other women out there would like to just know she's not alone in the world.  I know I sure love it when I realize I'm not the only one who didn't get a shower today because the kids were sick and my husband was working.  Or that I'm not alone in the fact that I don't have anything planned in my garden yet, and feel very guilty about it.  Or that lonely feeling one sometimes gets in the birthworld when you feel like you are fighting an uphill battle.  It's always nice to know that someone else out there understands.

So here's the start.  It's the beginning of the play, set in the middle of my busy life.  A cup of tea in one hand, children playing around me, my husband has just come in from moving wood chips for the gardens all day long and dinner is suddenly ready.  Times up for today's post.  But I'll come back and let you know how this next week turns out.

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